Monthly Archives: March 2010

Orders : 20Mac2010

Special request from my cousin, for her son’s wedding and daughter’s engagement. She requested a tiered wedding cake for his son’s (Wafi) cake cutting ceremony. Cupcakes and fruit tartlets for her daughter’s (Firhan Amirah) hantaran.

This is the first time I’m doing a wedding cake and without any proper training. I was worried sick all week just thinking of doing the cake. Scared if I can’t fulfill their expectation. Well, I did some research on the net and just go with my instinct.

The results are as below. All in all, I think I did OK for a first timer. The cake was 3 tiered butter cake with raspberry jam. Learned the hard way, next time never store the fondant cake in the fridge or I’ll get a ‘wet’ icing 🙂 Tengok tu, fondant dah cair…siap ada gelembung lagik, hehe. Anyway, alhamdulillah diaorang suka.

Ni pulak hantaran for Amirah’s engagement

engagement cuppies

engagement tartlets